Ainesh Bakshi

Email: ainesh (at) mit (dot) edu

Office: 2-174

I am currently a postdoc in the Computer Science and Mathematics departments at MIT, where I collaborate closely with Ankur Moitra and Sam Hopkins. I am broadly interested in Theoretical Computer Science and Quantum Information. My main research thread revolves around using the algorithmic toolkit, consisting of iterative methods and convex relaxations, to understand quantum systems. I am also interested in applying this toolkit to high-dimensional statistics, metric embedding and numerical linear algebra problems.

I finished my PhD at Carnegie Mellon University, where I was extremely fortunate to be co-advised by Pravesh Kothari and David Woodruff. During the summer of 2021, I interned with Madhur Tulsiani and Yury Makarychev at Toyota Technological Institute-Chicago and in summer 2020, I interned with Ken Clarkson at IBM Almaden.




Undergraduate Work

Teaching and Service